Wednesday, December 30, 2015

How to install google chrome on Ubuntu 15.10

Google chrome is a very popular web browser, it is fast and reliable makes google chrome favorite browser for everybody. So in this article i will show you how to install google chrome on ubuntu 15.10 wily werewolf.

Alright, to install google chrome on ubuntu, we need to download the debian package of google chrome from here. And also we need to install library called libappindicator1 which is needed by google chrome.

Step by step how to install google chrome on ubuntu 15.10

  • Open terminal/console/command line and then type this command to install libappindicator1 which needed by google chrome

  • sudo apt-get install libappindicator1

  • Download the debian package offline installer of google chrome from google website. Choose either 64 bit or 32 bit depending on your ubuntu version, and then click on "Accept and Install" button to start downloading. You will get an two options, "Open With" ubuntu software center or "Save File", for this tutorial choose "Save File".

  • Go back to terminal/console/command line, navigate to where the debian package located, let's say it's on "Downloads" folder inside your home folder, to go there type this command:

  • cd ~/Downloads

  • Finally run the debian package to start installing google chrome, type this command:

  • sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

  • Congratulation you have just install google chrome on ubuntu, to open chrome, simply click on ubuntu launcher and then search for "chrome".

That's pretty easy isn't it? now you can use google chrome as you default web browser and enjoy your life.

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